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Aloha & Welcome.  The works I share are founded on ancient and quantum teachings in Meditation and Sound translated into  Music, Concerts, Recordings and Inspirational Poetry.  The image was taken at the time of meditation amidst the beautiful setting of sacred Hawaiian Tea tree leaves.

Vima Lamura





Inspiration & Education in the Arts & Culture 

This image is a Reza Najaf creating that captures the essence of the Sound Mandala Peace Garden. Inspiration and Music

Interactive, and Experiential integration of  Sound, Spirit and Science through music, events, unique instrumentation, courses, cultural immersions, retreats, meditation, gatherings, 
inspirational videos, live and virtual concerts .

My creative works, events and retreats serve as transcendental innovative expressions, bridging spirit, science, mystical and human experiences

through the voice of wisdom and the arts.


Music is the highest expression of the human spirit

molding the wordless into form  

Inspiring and communicating the divine into human and human to the divine

from the subtle realms of consciousness through Sound and the Voice.



Ongoing Events
Inspirational art capturing the essence of the Sound Mandala Peace Garden.  Music and the arts.
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